jam made with agave syrup in germany

Jam made with agave syrup

> 12 months old
40 min
2 jars

Jam made with agave syrup and fruit! No sugar added!

Jam is not something I considered that important for a baby or young child. However, I wanted to give our little lion the nearest experience possible to eating German Christmas cookies. So I prepared myself also jam made with agave syrup to use between cookies.

The jams you can find in grocery stores are usually full of sugar and preservatives, that is why I decided to do a healthy jam for our little one. You can use this jam not only to prepare Christmas cookies but also for bread, crackers or add to a natural yogurt.

Here you can find the recipe for a jam made with agave syrup and fruit. I hope you and your little ones enjoy it!

  • 1 kg of seasonal fruit (I used quince and persimmon)
  • 4 tbsp apple pectin
  • Juice of half a lemon (pectin needs acid to gel)
  • 250 ml agave syrup

(You can also add spices such as vanilla or lavender)

Mason jars (you can reuse jars, e.g. olives, pickles. You just need to clean thoroughly beforehand)

  1. Wash the fruits and cut in small pieces
  2. Mix the fruits with the lemon juice, the pectin and the agave syrup and boil the mixture.
  3. Keep the flame low to medium to avoid burning at the bottom and stir well the mixture.
  4. At this point you can blend the fruits to have a homogeneous jam or leave it with smashed pieces of fruits.
  5. After around 20 minutes it should reach the desired consistency.
  6. Pour the jam into jars and place the closed jars upside down until they are cold.
  • The jam can be refined in various ways with spices or herbs. Also different fruit flavors combined create new flavors.
  • If you add sweet fruits such as bananas or pears to the jam, you do not need to add extra sweeteners.
  • Check the jam consistency by place a spoon of jam in a plate and cool it down. After cooling down, if no water separated you reached the correct consistency for a jam.
  • Keep the jam refrigerated and consume within a couple of weeks.
  • Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food to your child.

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