Part-time working mother in Germany

Day in a life of a part-time working mother in Germany

This is my first Vlog! It is about my day as a part-time working mother in Germany.

I moved to Germany in 2013, and stayed. Got married in 2017 and our son, aka little lion, was born in 2018. If you would like to know more about my adventures as a foreign mother living in Germany, don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel.

In this video I talk a little bit about everything. From my shower products, to cooking and traffic rules in Germany. I really had to get used to traffic rules here!

This was actually a very good day, our little lion was in a good mood, he slept until around 7:30 a.m. and in the end of the day we went to a birthday party 😀

I didn’t know the day was about to be this good when I started to film. The truth is that not every day goes this smoothly. Anyways, I believe that it gives you a better understanding of my routines as a part-time working mother in Germany.

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